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E-cell: The Entrepreneurship Cell of SSE

Divya Gupta

Updated: Dec 1, 2020

The head of E-Cell for the AY 2020-21 is Ujjwal Jain, a second-year student. E-Cell, in the words of the head, has been dormant for a few years. One of the main reasons for this dormancy of the club has been the lack of revitalizing activities. Keeping this dormancy in mind, Ujjwal’s agenda for the club for this AY is:

● To organize fun activities and games for improved participation,

● To create a panel of members to represent the institute in competitions of the business strata,

● To collaborate with literature and media clubs to have movies, short films, and book review sessions related to entrepreneurship,

● To collaborate with the investor’s club to learn and teach how to manage the finances of a firm. This collaboration will include a discussion on personal finance, financial management, and their importance.

Ujjwal mentions, “E-Cell has been inactive for the last few years, however, there has been a never seen before participation this year. We are looking forward to an exciting year this time.” The deputy heads for the cell for this AY are Somil Luthra (FY) and Shashwat Gupta (SY).

The club has planned a lot of activities for improved participation and angagement. These activities include case studies discussions, panel discussions, expert seminars, competitions, and business policy reviews.


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