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Covid-19: Not only an economic but also an environmental curse?

Sanskaar Shetty

Updated: Dec 18, 2020

We all have seen and witnessed the economic impact of covid-19 across the globe, on

international economic relations and individual finances We all noticed the short-term

environmental benefits that the pandemic caused lockdown offered such as 11%

reduction in Carbon Emission, but the reality is something else entirely, this is what we

shall be discussing in the article that, not only was the global economy hit badly, the

the environment is in for a fight too.

The most important economic curse that the global economy witnessed would’ve been the

loss of employment for nearly 200 million full-time workers across the globe from all

sorts of field, we saw that people from all walks of life were out of a job and lost their

livelihood, this endangered the life nearly 100 million people, who worked on daily

wages. Moreover, the industries that functioned on day to day means basis, that that

they spent nearly all that they earned in a day on livelihood were nearly destroyed, the

Indian Handicraft industry is an example of such an industry. Another section of people

who took a grave hit due to the pandemic were laborers working on the basis of daily wages,

with no work going on and no need for labor, a large number of families have been

pushed to the brink of starvation. This was the largest impact of covid-19 on the global


Now let’s talk about the largest environmental benefit. According to Environmentalists,

the important thing to note is that all the environmental effects are in the long term and

not the instant or immediate future, unlike the economic effects. Next up we see the

the greatest effect of Covid-19 on the Environment, this effect goes slightly hand in hand

with an economic boom, the scenario wherein the industries will reopen greater and bolder

post-pandemic, this is because we have seen that governments all over the world have

started granting sanctions and rights to all those corporations that promise fast recovery of

the economy and reduction in unemployment, that will be the greatest mower or destroyer

of the relaxation, the environment has received in these last 7-9 months. The implication

goes like this, a scene wherein the industries function without any leash, because they

have to not only cover their costs and earn profits for themselves but also for the national and global economy as they are a coherent part of it. This is uncontrolled freedom is what will give them the power and resources to cut down anything and everything in their path to achieving their goals.

Bird covered in crude oil

This scenario can already be seen in the crude oil industry, wherein the giants are already gathering international investors for funds, to grow and expand their businesses post-pandemic/lockdown, with the government relaxing on certain segments of the law, that kept a shrewd check on their activities, and, there is nothing to stop the Corporate World from functioning as dictators in their respective industries and destroying anything that stands in their path, namely the environment. We can illustrate this theory by taking the United States’ example, the government has already granted the industry access to its $600 Billion reserves for Main Street Lending Program, thereby providing not only judicial but also economical aid. This

is a distinct example of the above-mentioned theory.

Onto the second greatest impact of Covid-19 on the two halves of the ecology. We

initially saw that the pandemic caused a fall in the global employment levels, henceforth

we’ll see the other side of that coin, the fall of the global economy since both of them go,

hand in hand. The global economy saw a gross fall of nearly 10%, which is equivalent to

$12.7 Trillion. The net loss is expected to be around $9 trillion, greater than the

economies of Germany and Japan combined, as such the global economy is seen to see a

the shrink of -8%, stating a gigantic loss of not only money but also employment, specific

handicraft industries and much more. Handicraft industries and artisans that survived on

daily wages have reached a near-extinct level unless they catered to a patron and their

patron helped them economically during the pandemic.

Onto the second Environmental After-effect of covid-19, this also goes hand in hand with

the first impact, we noticed that the industries are bound to bounce back harder and

stronger than before, due to relaxed federal pressure, and growing strengths of lobbyists,

to accumulate a wealth of investors for their clients will give them the economic reserves

they need to claw and mow their way through the pressure than the pandemic will have

imposed on them, this will increase emissions from industrial emissions, from activities

like: mineral extraction, increased processing of raw materials, resuming the automotive

industries(air travel, cabs, oil drilling), etc. All these activities will have long term health

impacts on not only human health but the entire ecology.

To conclude we can safely say that long-term environmental curses, combined with the

economic effects will make recovering from Covid-19 an extremely difficult task.

Developed countries and countries on the verge of becoming developed won’t have that

much difficulty in recovering as compared to the following developed and

underdeveloped countries, such as most of the African Continent. This will also lead to

overexploitation of the underdeveloped nations of Africa by the developed nations to

reduce the economic burden that is on their shoulders. Hence, the Covid-19 brings

nothing but darkness for the entire ecology.


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